5060 세대까지 푹 빠진 '새벽배송' / 'Dawn delivery' loved by the 5060s generation

5060 세대까지 푹 빠진 '새벽배송'. / 'Dawn delivery' loved by the 5060s generation.

5060 세대까지 푹 빠진 '새벽배송'.

위드 코로나가 시작된 지난 11월 한 달 동안에도 장보기 앱은 굳건한 수요를 이어간 것으로 나타났다. 소비자들이 코로나19 장기화 속 온라인 장보기의 편의성에 익숙해진 영향으로 풀이된다. 전년대비 가입수가 50대는 153%, 60대는 176% 증가해 젊은 세대 대비 큰 폭의 성장세를 보였다.


'Dawn delivery' loved by the 5060s generation.

It was found that even during November, when the With Corona started, the shopping app continued to show strong demand. This is interpreted as the effect that consumers have become accustomed to the convenience of online shopping amid the prolonged COVID-19. Compared to the previous year, the number of subscribers in their 50s increased by 153% and those in their 60s by 176%, showing a significant growth compared to the younger generation.

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