공정위, 로톡 광고 막은 변협 제재 착수.
공정거래위원회가 변호사들의 법률 온라인 플랫폼 ‘로톡’ 광고를 막은 대한변호사협회에 대한 제재 절차에 착수했다. 이번 제재는 로톡을 운영하는 로앤컴퍼니가 변협이 표시·광고법상 보장되는 변호사들의 자유로운 표시·광고 행위를 제한했다며 공정위에 신고한 데 따른 것이다.
The Fair Trade Commission launches sanctions against the Bar Association for blocking LawTalk advertisement.
The Fair Trade Commission has launched a sanction process against the Korean Bar Association, which blocked advertisements of lawyers on the legal online platform 'Lawtalk'. The sanctions are in response to a report by Law & Company, which operates Lawtalk, to the Fair Trade Commission, claiming that the Bar Association has restricted the free representation and advertising of lawyers guaranteed under the Indication and Advertising Act.