사업자·소상공인 분쟁 5건 중 3건은 '온라인 광고대행 문제' / 3 out of 5 disputes between operators and small business owners are 'online advertising agency problems'

사업자·소상공인 분쟁 5건 중 3건은 '온라인 광고대행 문제'. / 3 out of 5 disputes between operators and small business owners are 'online advertising  agency problems'.

사업자·소상공인 분쟁 5건 중 3건은 '온라인 광고대행 문제'.

사업자와 소상공인 고객 간 분쟁 5건 중 3건이 온라인 광고대행 분쟁인 것으로 나타났다. 특히 고객이 즉흥적으로 광고 계약을 체결한 후 단순 변심으로 계약해지 시 고객의 계약해지권을 부인하거나 위약금을 과도하게 산정하는 약관 조항으로 인해 피해를 입는 일이 반복되고 있다.


3 out of 5 disputes between operators and small business owners are 'online advertising agency problems'.

It was found that 3 out of 5 disputes between business operators and customers of small businesses were online advertising agency disputes. In particular, when a customer improvises an advertisement contract and then cancels the contract due to a simple change of mind, the damage is repeated due to the clause in the contract that denies the customer's right to cancel the contract or excessively calculates the penalty.

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