설강화 역사왜곡 논란에 광고·협찬 줄줄이 '손절' / Advertisements and sponsorships 'canceled' in controversy over Snowdrop's historical distortion

설강화 역사왜곡 논란에 광고·협찬 줄줄이 '손절' / Advertisements and sponsorships 'canceled' in controversy over Snowdrop's historical distortion

설강화 역사왜곡 논란에 광고·협찬 줄줄이 '손절'.

민주화운동 폄훼, 안기부 미화 등 역사왜곡 논란에 휩싸인 JTBC 주말드라마 '설강화'에 대한 비판이 거세지고 있다. 네티즌들이 방영 중단 청원을 올리고 제작 지원에 참여한 기업에 대한 불매 의사를 표시하면서, 광고계도 제품 협찬을 취소하는 등 손절에 나섰다.


Advertisements and sponsorships 'canceled' in controversy over Snowdrop's historical distortion.

Criticism of the JTBC weekend drama 'Snowdrop', which has been engulfed in historical distortion controversies such as disparagement of the democratization movement and the beautification of the Ministry of National Security, is intensifying. As netizens filed a petition to suspend the airing and expressed their intention to boycott companies that participated in production support, the advertising industry also took a stand by canceling product sponsorship.

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