4050 여성 패션 앱 돌풍 / Fashion apps for women in their 40s and 50s are becoming popular

4050 여성 패션 앱 돌풍 / Fashion apps for women in their 40s and 50s are becoming popular

4050 여성 패션 앱 돌풍.

4050 여성복 플랫폼들이 백화점에서 밀려난 여성 의류 브랜드들을 끌어안으면서 급성장하고 있다. 한 때 인터넷 의류 쇼핑은 젊은 층의 전유물이었으나 중년 여성까지 코로나19 기간 통한 인터넷 쇼핑에 능숙해진 점도 이들 플랫폼 성장의 토대가 됐다.


Fashion apps for women in their 40s and 50s are becoming popular.

The 40s-50s womenswear platforms are booming, embracing women's clothing brands that have been pushed out of department stores. At one time, online clothing shopping was reserved for young people, but the fact that even middle-aged women became proficient in Internet shopping during the COVID-19 period also laid the foundation for the growth of these platforms.

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