광고비·수수료 결정 기준 공개해야... '온플법' 제정 촉구 / Advertisement cost and fee determination criteria should be disclosed... Call for enactment of 'Online Platform Act'

광고비·수수료 결정 기준 공개해야... '온플법' 제정 촉구. / Advertisement cost and fee determination criteria should be disclosed... Call for enactment of 'Online Platform Act'.

광고비·수수료 결정 기준 공개해야... '온플법' 제정 촉구.

중소기업·소상공인들이 '온라인 플랫폼 공정화법' 국회 통과를 촉구했다. 온라인 플랫폼 중개사업자와 소상공인 간 중개거래계약서 교부 의무부터 불공정거래행위 금지 등이 핵심인 법안이다. 오픈마켓 입점 업체의 98.8%, 배달 애플리케이션 입점 업체의 68.4%가 온플법 제정에 찬성한다고 밝혔다.


Advertisement cost and fee determination criteria should be disclosed... Call for the enactment of the 'Online Platform Act'.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and small business owners urged the National Assembly to pass the 'Online Platform Fairness Act'. The key legislation is to ban unfair trade practices from the obligation to issue brokerage contracts between online platform brokers and small business owners. 98.8% of open market vendors and 68.4% of delivery application vendors said they supported the enactment of the On-play Act.

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