중기부, 새해 비대면 바우처에 410억 투입 / Ministry of SMEs and Startups invests 41 billion won in new year's non-face-to-face vouchers

중기부, 새해 비대면 바우처에 410억 투입. / Ministry of SMEs and Startups invests 41 billion won in new year's non-face-to-face vouchers.

중기부, 새해 비대면 바우처에 410억 투입.

15,000여 중소기업을 대상으로 화상회의, 협업 툴, 네트워크 및 보안 솔루션 3개 분야의 비대면 서비스를 이용할 수 있는 바우처를 지원한다. 지원액은 기업당 최대 400만 원(자부담 30% 포함)이다. 선정 방식은 올해와 다소 달라질 것이라는 설명이다.


Ministry of SMEs and Startups invests 41 billion won in new year's non-face-to-face vouchers.

It provides vouchers for non-face-to-face services in three areas: video conferencing, collaboration tools, and network and security solutions for over 15,000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The amount of support is up to 4 million won per company (including 30% self-pay). It is explained that the selection method will be slightly different from this year.

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