'강남언니' 대표 의료법 위반 혐의 기소 / The CEO of 'Gangnam Unnie' is charged with violating the medical law

'강남언니' 대표 의료법 위반 혐의 기소. / The CEO of 'Gangnam Unnie' is charged with violating the medical law.

'강남언니' 대표 의료법 위반 혐의 기소.

'강남언니' 운영사 힐링페이퍼 대표가 시술 쿠폰 판매 가격 일부를 수수료로 돌려받은 혐의로 기소돼 재판을 받고 있다. 잘못된 행위임을 안 뒤 서비스를 중단했다는 취지로 선처를 호소했다. 현행 의료법은 영리를 목적으로 환자를 의료기관이나 의료인에게 소개·알선·유인하는 행위를 금지하고 있다.


The CEO of 'Gangnam Unnie' is charged with violating the medical law.

The CEO of Healing Paper, the operator of 'Gangnam Unnie', is being tried on charges of returning a portion of the sale price of a treatment coupon as a commission. He appealed for leniency to the effect that the service was suspended after learning that it was a wrong act. The current medical law prohibits introducing, arranging, or enticing patients to medical institutions or medical personnel for profit.

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