중기부, 905억 투입 소상공인 6만 명 디지털 전환 / The Ministry of SMEs and Startups is planning to help 60,000 small business owners in digital transformation with an investment of 90.5 billion won

중기부, 905억 투입 소상공인 6만 명 디지털 전환. / The Ministry of SMEs and Startups is planning to help 60,000 small business owners in digital transformation with an investment of 90.5 billion won.

중기부, 905억 투입 소상공인 6만 명 디지털 전환.

중기부가 새해 소상공인 6만 명의 디지털 전환을 지원한다. 예산을 올해 보다 25% 늘어난 905억 원을 투입한다. 새해 1월 중 민간 플랫폼사 등 수행기관을 선정하고, 2월부터 소상공인이 사업에 참여하게 할 예정이다.


The Ministry of SMEs and Startups is planning to help 60,000 small business owners in digital transformation with an investment of 90.5 billion won.

The Ministry of SMEs and Startups will support the digital transformation of 60,000 small businesses in the new year. The budget will increase by 25% from this year to 90.5 billion won. In January of the new year, a private platform company, etc. will be selected and small business owners will participate in the project from February.

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