'콘텐츠 커머스' 뛰어든 유통업계 / Distribution industry focusing on content commerce


'콘텐츠 커머스' 뛰어든 유통업계 / Distribution industry focusing on content commerce

'콘텐츠 커머스' 뛰어든 유통업계.

티몬·11번가·롯데홈쇼핑·29CM 등 이커머스 업체들이 '콘텐츠 커머스'에 뛰어들고 있다. 웹 예능, 퀴즈쇼 등 흥미로운 콘텐츠에 상품 소개 등 커머스 요소를 결합한 것이다. 업체들은 이를 통해 매출 시너지를 꾀하는 것은 물론, 새로운 소비자로 떠오른 MZ세대를 자사 플랫폼으로 유입시킨다는 전략이다.


Distribution industry focusing on content commerce.

E-commerce companies such as Timon, 11st, Lotte Home Shopping, and 29CM are jumping into 'content commerce'. It combines interesting content such as web entertainment and quiz shows with commerce elements such as product introduction. Companies are not only seeking synergy in sales through this but also a strategy to introduce the MZ generation, which has emerged as a new consumer, to their platforms.

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