G마켓·옥션·인터파크, 홈쇼핑도 '새벽배송' 뛰어들었다 / Gmarket, Auction, Interpark, and other home shopping malls also jumped into 'morning delivery'

G마켓·옥션·인터파크, 홈쇼핑도 '새벽배송' 뛰어들었다 / Gmarket, Auction, Interpark, and other home shopping malls also jumped into 'morning delivery'

G마켓·옥션·인터파크, 홈쇼핑도 '새벽배송' 뛰어들었다.

신선식품 새벽배송 시장은 폭발적으로 성장하면서 기업들이 서비스를 시작하거나 영역을 넓히고 있다. G마켓·옥션은 '스마일클럽' 회원을 대상으로 서울 일부 지역에서 시범서비스를 시작했다. 인터파크도 축·수산물 새벽배송 서비스를 오픈했고, CJ온스타일은 지난해 8월 시범운영을 진행했다.


Gmarket, Auction, Interpark, and other home shopping malls also jumped into 'morning delivery'.

As the fresh food early morning delivery market is growing explosively, companies are starting services or expanding their scope. Gmarket Auction started a pilot service in some areas of Seoul for 'Smile Club' members. Interpark also opened an early morning delivery service for livestock and seafood, and CJ OnStyle conducted a pilot operation in August of last year.
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