쿠팡, 상품평 조작 의혹에 반박... 법적 조치 고려 / Coupang refutes allegations of manipulation of product reviews. Considering legal action

쿠팡, 상품평 조작 의혹에 반박... 법적 조치 고려 / Coupang refutes allegations of manipulation of product reviews. Considering legal action

쿠팡, 상품평 조작 의혹에 반박... 법적 조치 고려.

쿠팡이 참여연대 등 시민단체들이 제기한 상품평 조작 의혹에 '허위 주장'이라며 전면 반박했다. 쿠팡은 모든 상품평은 항상 투명하게 운영되고 있다면서 직원이 작성한 후기는 누가 작성했는지를 반드시 명시해왔다고 밝혔다.


Coupang refutes allegations of manipulation of product reviews... Considering legal action.

Coupang completely refuted the allegations of manipulation of product reviews raised by civic groups such as the Solidarity for Participation, saying it was a 'false claim'. Coupang said that all product reviews are always transparent and that reviews written by employees must be clearly stated who wrote them.
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