애플·네이버 동시에 먹통... MS·LG전자 '해킹' / Users were unable to access Apple and Naver. Microsoft and LG Electronics almost got hacked

애플·네이버 동시에 먹통... MS·LG전자 '해킹' / Users were unable to access Apple and Naver. Microsoft and LG Electronics almost got hacked

애플·네이버 동시에 먹통... MS·LG전자 '해킹'.

네이버와 애플의 각종 서비스가 22일 한때 먹통이 되어 서비스가 중지됐다. 네이버는 스마트스토어에서 1시간 20분가량 접속 오류가 발생했고, 애플도 앱스토어와 애플뮤직을 비롯한 상당수 서비스도 멈춰 섰다가 두세 시간 후에 복구됐다. 또한, MS와 LG전자는 해킹 공격을 받았다고 알려졌다.


Users were unable to access Apple and Naver. Microsoft and LG Electronics almost got hacked.

Various services of Naver and Apple were stopped for some time on the 22nd. Naver experienced a connection error in the smart store for about 1 hour and 20 minutes, and Apple also stopped many services, including the App Store and Apple Music, but recovered after two or three hours. Also, Microsoft and LG Electronics were reported to have been hacked.

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