'SNS광고마케터' 전문성 검증... 자격시험 생겼다 / Social media advertising marketer qualification test has been launched in Korea

'SNS광고마케터' 전문성 검증... 자격시험 생겼다 / Social media advertising marketer qualification test has been launched in Korea

'SNS광고마케터' 전문성 검증... 자격시험 생겼다.

한국정보통신진흥협회(KAIT)가 SNS 광고 분야 자격증 시험을 처음으로 실시한다. 전문가들과 함께 SNS의 종류와 콘텐츠 유형 등의 기본지식, 유튜브 및 카카오톡, 네이버 밴드 등을 활용한 광고 실무능력 검증 체계를 완성해 2월 신규자격으로 등록했다.


Social media advertising marketer qualification test has been launched in Korea.

The Korea Information and Communication Promotion Association (KAIT) is conducting a certification exam in the field of SNS advertising for the first time. Together with experts, we completed the verification system for advertising practical skills using basic knowledge such as SNS types and content types, YouTube, KakaoTalk, and Naver Band, and registered as a new qualification in February.

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