'인앱결제법' 조사 거부하면 매출 0.2% 징수한다 / Refusing to investigate the In-App Payment Act costs 0.2% of sales

'인앱결제법' 조사 거부하면 매출 0.2% 징수한다 / Refusing to investigate the In-App Payment Act costs 0.2% of sales

'인앱결제법' 조사 거부하면 매출 0.2% 징수한다.

방통위가 '인앱결제 강제 금지법' 사실조사를 위한 자료 재제출명령을 시행한다. 재제출명령에 불복하면 하루 평균 매출 0.1~0.2%의 이행강제금도 부과할 방침이다. 재제출에도 불복하면 '하루 평균 매출액'을 기준으로 이행강제금을 부과·징수한다는 방침이다.

Refusing to investigate the In-App Payment Act costs 0.2% of sales.

The Korea Communications Commission is issuing an order to resubmit data for the fact-finding investigation of the 'forced in-app payment law'. If the resubmission order is dissatisfied, a penalty of 0.1 to 0.2% of daily average sales will be imposed. If the applicant is dissatisfied with the re-submission, the policy is to impose and collect a compulsory performance fee based on the 'average daily sales'.

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