10대 94.7% 메타버스 써봤다... 30대 30.9% 불과 / Trends in metaverse usage by those in their teens and 30s

10대 94.7% 메타버스 써봤다... 30대 30.9% 불과 / Trends in metaverse usage by those in their teens and 30s

10대 94.7% 메타버스 써봤다... 30대 30.9% 불과.

메타버스 플랫폼 이용 행태에서 10대와 30대가 확연한 세대 차이를 나타냈다. 10대는 94.7%가 메타버스를 '경험해본 적 있다'고 응답했다. 반면 경험이 있다고 응답한 30대는 30.9%에 그쳤다. 메타버스 경험자 중 10대는 '마인크래프트', 30대는 '모여봐요 동물의 숲'을 가장 많이 플레이한 것으로 집계됐다.

Trends in metaverse usage by those in their teens and 30s.

There was a clear generation gap between those in their teens and 30s in the usage of the metaverse platform. 94.7% of teenagers answered that they had 'experienced' Metaverse. On the other hand, only 30.9% of those in their 30s answered that they had experienced. Among those who experienced Metaverse, teenagers in their teens played 'Minecraft' and those in their 30s played 'Gather in Animal Crossing' the most.

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