코로나에 빨라진 디지털 전환... 60대 41% '인터넷 쇼핑 이용' / Due to Corona, 40% of 60s now use e-commerce

코로나에 빨라진 디지털 전환... 60대 41% '인터넷 쇼핑 이용' / Due to Corona, 40% of 60s now use e-commerce

코로나에 빨라진 디지털 전환... 60대 41% '인터넷 쇼핑 이용'.

'2021 인터넷이용실태조사' 결과 인터넷 활용처에서 10대는 교육과 온라인 게임에 집중됐고, 20~30대는 클라우드와 금융상품 거래, 40~50대는 인터넷쇼핑·뱅킹, 60대 이상은 동영상·SNS 이용에서 두드러진 특징을 보였다. 특히 60대의 인터넷 쇼핑(41.2%) 이용이 1년 새 9.8%p 늘어난 것으로 나타났다.

Rapid digital transformation due to Corona, 40% of 60s now use e-commerce.

As a result of the '2021 Internet Use Survey', in Internet use, teenagers concentrated on education and online games, those in their 20s and 30s focused on cloud and financial product transactions, those in their 40s and 50s on online shopping and banking, and those in their 60s and older focused on video and social media use. showed prominent features. In particular, it was found that the use of internet shopping (41.2%) in their 60s increased by 9.8%p in one year.

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