구독 서비스 키우는 애플... '비즈니스 에센셜' 선보이다 / Apple to grow subscription service... Introduces 'Business Essentials'

Apple enters the subscription-type enterprise solution business with the introduction of 'Business Essentials'. As 'Fitness Plus' received a good response last year, the subscription service is expected to be strengthened this year as well. Business Essentials is a service that allows small and medium-sized businesses in the United States to manage employees and utilize company data.

구독 서비스 키우는 애플... '비즈니스 에센셜' 선보이다.

애플이 '비즈니스 에센셜'을 선보이며 구독형 기업 솔루션 사업에 진출한다. 지난해 '피트니스 플러스' 등이 좋은 반응을 보였던 만큼 올해 역시 구독 서비스를 강화할 전망이다. 비즈니스 에센셜은 미국 내 중견·중소기업을 대상으로 직원을 관리하고 회사 데이터를 활용할 수 있도록 하는 서비스다.

Apple to grow subscription service... Introduces 'Business Essentials'.

Apple enters the subscription-type enterprise solution business with the introduction of 'Business Essentials'. As 'Fitness Plus' received a good response last year, the subscription service is expected to be strengthened this year as well. Business Essentials is a service that allows small and medium-sized businesses in the United States to manage employees and utilize company data.

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