KISA, 서울지방변호사회와 '온라인 광고 피해예방' 업무협약 / Business agreement with KISA and Seoul Regional Bar Association

KISA, 서울지방변호사회와 '온라인 광고 피해예방' 업무협약 / Business agreement with KISA and Seoul Regional Bar Association

KISA, 서울지방변호사회와 '온라인 광고 피해예방' 업무협약.

한국인터넷진흥원(KISA)은 서울지방변호사회와 온라인 광고 피해예방을 위한 업무협약을 체결했다. 양 기관은 소상공인들이 온라인 광고 분쟁을 미리 대비하거나 피해를 입은 뒤 도움을 체계적으로 받을 수 있도록 지원할 계획이다.

Business agreement with Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) and Seoul Regional Bar Association to prevent damage from online advertising.

Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) signed a business agreement with the Seoul District Bar Association to prevent damage from online advertisements. The two organizations plan to support small businesses so that they can prepare for online advertising disputes in advance or receive help systematically after being damaged.

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