"코로나 끝난다" 백화점 수천억 들여 리뉴얼... 명품·MZ 타깃 / Pandemic seems to be over. Hundreds of billions of dollars in renovation of department stores

"코로나 끝난다" 백화점 수천억 들여 리뉴얼... 명품·MZ 타깃 / Pandemic seems to be over. Hundreds of billions of dollars in renovation of department stores

"코로나 끝난다" 백화점 수천억 들여 리뉴얼... 명품·MZ 타깃.

백화점 업계가 올해 수 천억 원을 들여 재단장에 나선다. 코로나19로 오프라인 소매 업계 전반이 위기를 겪었던 반면, 대형 백화점은 의외로 매출에 선방했다는 평가가 나오면서다. 여기에 리오프닝 기대에 경기 회복 기대감도 더해졌다. 재단장 방향은 '명품관 강화'와 '2030세대 전문관'이 될 전망이다.

COVID-19 seems to be over. Hundreds of billions of dollars in renovation of department stores.

The department store industry will spend hundreds of billions of won in refurbishment this year. While the overall offline retail industry suffered a crisis due to COVID-19, it was evaluated that large department stores did surprisingly well in sales. Expectations for economic recovery have also been added to the re-opening expectations. The direction of the refurbishment is expected to be 'strengthening the luxury hall' and 'the 2030 generation specialist hall'.

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