'소상공인 전용' 홈쇼핑 나온다 / A shopping platform dedicated to Korean small business owners

'소상공인 전용' 홈쇼핑 나온다 / A shopping platform dedicated to Korean small business owners

'소상공인 전용' 홈쇼핑 나온다.

소상공인연합회와 산하 단체가 소상공인 전용 홈쇼핑 개국을 추진한다. T커머스 신규 설립을 통해 자영업자의 온라인 판로 지원과 디지털 전환을 가속한다는 방침이다. 해당 채널이 구축되면 2015년부터 이어 온 T커머스 10개 사업자 체제뿐만 아니라 소상공인 생태계에도 큰 변화가 예상된다.

A shopping platform dedicated to Korean small business owners is coming out.

The Small Business Association and its affiliated organizations are promoting the opening of home shopping exclusively for small business owners. Through the establishment of T-commerce, the company plans to support online sales channels for self-employed people and accelerate digital transformation. When the channel is established, major changes are expected not only in the 10 T-commerce operator systems that have been in operation since 2015, but also in the small business ecosystem.

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