티몬도 새벽배송 한다 / Timon begins early morning delivery

As early morning delivery is emerging as a competitive edge in e-commerce, Timon is also starting early morning delivery. Timon announced that it has signed a business agreement with Team Fresh, a logistics company specializing in cold chain, for the early morning delivery business. Through this agreement, by combining Team Fresh's cold chain operation capability with Timon's commerce know-how, we will promote cooperative projects, such as opening an exclusive delivery hall for early morning delivery.

티몬도 새벽배송 한다.

새벽배송이 이커머스 경쟁력으로 부각됨에 따라 티몬도 새벽배송에 나선다. 티몬은 콜드체인 전문 물류기업 팀프레시와 새벽배송 사업을 위한 업무협약을 체결했다고 밝혔다. 이번 협약으로 팀프레시의 콜드체인 운영 역량과 티몬의 커머스 노하우를 결합해 새벽배송 전용관을 여는 등 협력사업을 추진한다.

Timon begins early morning delivery.

As early morning delivery is emerging as a competitive edge in e-commerce, Timon is also starting early morning delivery. Timon announced that it has signed a business agreement with Team Fresh, a logistics company specializing in the cold chain, for the early morning delivery business. Through this agreement, by combining Team Fresh's cold chain operation capability with Timon's commerce know-how, we will promote cooperative projects, such as opening an exclusive delivery hall for early morning delivery.

이커머스의 빠른 배송은 경쟁의 우위를 점하는 요소가 아닌 이제는 당연한 것으로 인식되기 시작한다. 티몬의 새벽 배송 체계로 변화를 주면서 과연 알맞은 비즈니스 모델로 운영이 순조롭게 진행될 수 있을지 관찰해봐야 할 것이다. 만약 단순히 경쟁을 위해 새벽 배송을 실시하는 것이라면 쿠팡(기존 빠른 배송으로 인지도가 쌓인)을 선점하기는 힘들 것이다.

Fast delivery in e-commerce is now starting to be taken for granted, not as a factor that gives us a competitive edge. It will be necessary to observe whether the operation can proceed smoothly with an appropriate business model while changing to Timon's early morning delivery system. If early morning delivery is simply implemented for competition, it will be difficult to preempt Coupang (which has built up recognition for its fast delivery).

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