국내 자영업자 70%, 거리두기 해제에도 매출 감소 / 70% of self-employed businesses lose sales even after distancing is lifted

국내 자영업자 70%, 거리두기 해제에도 매출 감소 / 70% of self-employed businesses lose sales even after distancing is lifted

국내 자영업자 70%, 거리두기 해제에도 매출 감소.

자영업자 70%가 사회적 거리두기 해제 이후 오히려 매출이 감소했다는 설문 결과가 나왔다. 응답자 500명 중 절반은 내년 매출과 순이익도 모두 올해보다 감소할 것으로 전망했다. 특히 40%는 향후 3년 내 폐업을 고려 중이었으며, 영업 실적 악화와 경기회복 전망 불투명 등을 이유로 꼽았다.

Korea's 70% of self-employed businesses lose sales even after distancing is lifted.

According to a survey result, 70% of self-employed people said their sales decreased after social distancing was lifted. Half of the 500 respondents expected both sales and net profit to decline next year compared to this year. In particular, 40% said they were considering closing their business within the next three years, citing deteriorating business performance and uncertain prospects for economic recovery as reasons.

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