[New faces of Assembly] Trump factor sets mood for South Korea to cultivate its ‘nuclear potential’: lawmaker-elect

In a recent interview with The Korea Herald, newly elected People Power Party lawmaker Yu Yong-weon discussed the potential implications of a second term for Donald Trump, particularly regarding South Korea's security. Yu suggested that South Korea may need to consider building its own nuclear potential to address escalating nuclear threats from North Korea and to potentially lessen its reliance on the US for security. He emphasized the importance of enhancing defense capabilities to ensure a nuclear response in emergency situations and proposed revising nuclear deals with the US to allow for the development of key nuclear technologies. Yu also mentioned his plans to push for revisions to laws on nuclear safety and energy use to support the nurturing of experts and resources, naming this initiative the "Mugunghwa Project." This proposal comes in the context of growing debate in South Korea regarding the country's nuclear options, particularly following remarks from Trump that suggested possible reconsideration of the US's security commitments to South Korea. While public opinion polls indicate significant support for South Korea pursuing its own nuclear weapons, this position is not unanimously supported by strategic experts. Yu, drawing on his extensive background as a defense reporter and founder of a defense and security forum, seeks to work across party lines to create consensus on preparing for potential nuclear defense capabilities as a National Assembly member. In summary, Yu Yong-weon's perspective opens up a crucial discussion on South Korea's security strategy in the face of evolving international dynamics, and his experience and proposed initiatives demonstrate a proactive approach to addressing these challenges in the National Assembly.

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