Democratic Party's charter amendment clears leader's path to presidential election

The Democratic Party of Korea made changes to its party charter, allowing its leadership to determine the term of the party's chair and supreme council members. This amendment paves the way for the current party chair, Rep. Lee Jae-myung, to potentially run for the 2027 presidential election even if he is reelected as chair at the upcoming convention in August. This decision also includes a provision that enables the party affairs committee to vote and decide on the timing of the resignation under special circumstances, bypassing the requirement for a one-year ahead resignation before a presidential election. The amendment received the approval of 422 out of 501 participants in the party's national committee, with an 84 percent majority. It is anticipated that if reelected, Lee will serve a second term until the June 2026 local elections before stepping down to begin his campaign for the March 2027 presidential election. Additionally, the party also removed sections of the charter that suspended the party membership of a lawmaker charged with corruption. However, Lee is currently facing legal issues related to an unauthorized North Korean remittance case and has been charged with third-party bribery and violations of foreign exchange and inter-Korean cooperation laws. These charges add to ongoing court battles regarding allegations of bribery, election law violations, and perjury.

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