HD Hyundai launches first of two corvettes for Philippine Navy

Philippine Secretary of National Defense Gilberto C. Teodoro Jr., along with other officials, attended the launch of the Miguel Malvar, the first of two corvettes ordered by the Philippine Navy from HD Hyundai Heavy Industries in 2021. The ceremony, held at HD Hyundai's Ulsan headquarters, was also attended by high-ranking military officials from both countries, including the ship's godmother, Monica Prieto-Teodoro, who is the Philippine special envoy to UNICEF and wife of Secretary Teodoro, as well as South Korean officials. The Miguel Malvar, named after a Filipino independence hero, is 118.4 meters long, 14.9 meters wide, and equipped with advanced weapon systems. It has a cruising speed of 15 knots and a range of 4,500 nautical miles. The vessel is scheduled for delivery to the Philippine Navy by 2025 after commissioning and final outfitting, as part of the Philippine government's naval modernization program, which includes orders for a total of 10 vessels from HD Hyundai Heavy Industries. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

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