[Herald Interview] K.Will talks about relationships in new album

Singer-songwriter K.Will, known for his hit ballads, is set to release his seventh EP, "All the Way," after a six-year hiatus. The album delves into his personal relationships and the emotions they evoke, with a focus on feelings of happiness, sadness, and enthusiasm. K.Will expressed his involvement in the album's production, from selecting producers to composing and writing lyrics, and emphasized the importance of conveying his identity as an artist through this release. Despite contemplating the need for new songs given his existing repertoire of hits, he ultimately recognized the responsibility of introducing fresh music to his fans and decided to move forward with the album. During the past six years, K.Will has been exploring different vocal styles, aiming to break free from limitations and showcase diverse vocal abilities in his new album. Reflecting on his 16-year career, he attributes his longevity in the music industry to his fans and his resilience, emphasizing the role of endurance in sustaining his career. Looking ahead, he plans to release new singles more frequently in the future. In summary, K.Will's upcoming EP, "All the Way," marks a significant return for the artist, who has dedicated his efforts to crafting an album that reflects his personal experiences and growth as a musician over the years.

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