US-based environmentally-friendly startup Torus announced on Friday that it has implemented its food waste management service for 38 households in West Windsor, New Jersey. The service aims to link waste producers with composting companies through an artificial intelligence-based matching system. The project, supported by the environmental justice organization Green Matters, concluded on Sunday but Torus plans to continue its efforts in the future. Founded in December 2023 by Zikang Jiang, a high school student at the Lawrenceville School in New Jersey, Torus is committed to eco-friendly initiatives and focuses on optimizing food waste management by utilizing artificial intelligence-based technology to provide specialized information on food waste. The Torus team, comprising of Zikang Jiang and his classmates Ethan Zhu, Aryan Kumar, Sathvik Samant, and Kevin Chung, was motivated to address the issue of food waste in the US, where 33 percent of all food produced is wasted while 1 in 8 Americans suffer from food insecurity. Currently, Torus has 121 client partners and collaborates with five composting companies in New Jersey. Looking ahead, the team plans to introduce incentives for third-party drivers, similar to Uber's business model, to collect food waste. Additionally, the company aims to launch a subscription program by the end of the summer, allowing customers to sponsor meals for those in need through the food waste handling service, with a portion of the service fee being donated to charities.