South Korean stocks closed nearly 1 percent higher on Thursday, marking a third consecutive session of gains driven by the tech sector. The benchmark Korea Composite Stock Price Index rose by 26.72 points to 2,754.89, with heavy trade volume at 690 million shares worth 18.9 trillion won. The market initially opened higher, following overnight increases on Wall Street, particularly driven by Apple Inc.'s performance. In Seoul, large-cap stocks had a mixed performance, with tech shares such as Samsung Electronics and SK hynix experiencing gains, while LG Energy Solution saw an increase and Samsung SDS faced a decline. Meanwhile, Hyundai Motor and Kia both saw slight declines. The local currency also saw a slight rise against the US dollar, closing at 1,373.90 won.
South Korean stocks closed nearly 1 percent higher on Thursday, marking a third consecutive session of gains driven by the tech sector. The benchmark Korea Composite Stock Price Index rose by 26.72 points to 2,754.89, with heavy trade volume at 690 million shares worth 18.9 trillion won. The market initially opened higher, following overnight increases on Wall Street, particularly driven by Apple Inc.'s performance. In Seoul, large-cap stocks had a mixed performance, with tech shares such as Samsung Electronics and SK hynix experiencing gains, while LG Energy Solution saw an increase and Samsung SDS faced a decline. Meanwhile, Hyundai Motor and Kia both saw slight declines. The local currency also saw a slight rise against the US dollar, closing at 1,373.90 won.