Yoon names chiefs of tax, fire, weather authorities

President Yoon Suk Yeol recently announced nominations for four vice-ministerial officials, including the chiefs of the tax, fire, and weather agencies, as well as the first vice minister of the Office for Government Policy Coordination. Among the nominees, only Kang Min-soo, who has been nominated as the new chief of the National Tax Agency, will go through a parliamentary hearing. The other three nominees are expected to assume their new roles early next week. In addition to these nominations, Yoon had previously named three vice-ministerial officials who did not require a parliamentary hearing. Moreover, it is anticipated that more vice ministerial appointments will follow, as the current commissioner general of the Korean National Police Agency is set to end his two-year term in August. Furthermore, Yoon is expected to carry out a reshuffle, which may also involve replacing ministers who have been in their posts for more than two years since his inauguration. It is noted that minister nominees can be appointed without the National Assembly's consent, while vice-ministerial officials do not need to go through a National Assembly hearing, making the nomination process easier for Yoon as the parliament is currently controlled by his liberal opposition parties.

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