K-pop fans uneasy about return of main culprits in ‘Burning Sun’ scandal

Former K-pop singers Jung Joon-young, Seungri, and Choi Jong-hoon, who were involved in the "Burning Sun" scandal, have been spotted at various events and locations, raising questions about the boundary between their public and private lives. The scandal originated in 2016 with Jung's illegal filming and distribution of sex videos, and later involved Seungri's nightclub and a group chat where illegal videos were shared and sex crimes discussed. Despite serving prison sentences, Jung and Seungri have been seen partying in France, Thailand, Cambodia, and Malaysia, while Choi attempted a comeback in Japan. Industry insiders argue that their private lives should be separated from their past crimes, and they should be allowed to pursue business ventures as long as they do not cause new problems. The recent sightings of the former K-pop stars, Jung Joon-young, Seungri, and Choi Jong-hoon, at various events and locations have reignited discussions about the boundary between their public and private lives. The scandal, which began with Jung's illegal activities in 2016, has continued to attract attention as the former singers have been seen partying and attempting comebacks in different countries. Industry insiders argue that their private lives should be viewed separately from their past crimes, and they should be allowed to pursue business ventures as long as they do not cause new problems. This has sparked debates about the impact on K-pop's global reputation and the rights of the former stars to live their lives after serving their sentences.

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