Quarrel over first lady’s text messages opens new rift in ruling bloc

Allegations that former ruling party interim leader Han Dong-hoon ignored five text messages from first lady Kim Keon Hee have caused a division within the conservative bloc. The leaked Telegram messages reportedly offered a public apology from Kim over her alleged acceptance of a luxury Dior handbag, which some believe may have influenced the April 10 general election. This has intensified the intra-party rift, with some lawmakers supporting Han and others criticizing him. Supporters of Han argue that Kim's actions breached the Constitution, while critics claim that her luxury bag scandal negatively impacted conservative voters' sentiments before the election. The controversy has led to tension within the conservative bloc, with some lawmakers demanding a public apology from Han and others expressing similar sentiments. Han has denied any wrongdoing and accused the first lady and presidential office of meddling in party affairs ahead of the national convention. This rift is the second time that differences have emerged between Yoon and Han and their respective supporters within the ruling party, following a previous disagreement over the handling of the luxury bag scandal and candidate nominations for the general election. The presidential office has stated that it did not and will not intervene in the party chair election, which is scheduled for July 23.

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