[Bills in Focus] Easing discount store restrictions, securing AI usage policies

Proposed Bill: Partial Amendment to the Distribution Industry Development Act, introduced by Rep. Choi Soo-jin of the People Power Party, aims to address the shortcomings in the current law. It seeks to introduce comprehensive procedures for opening superstores, including the submission of evaluation reports on the impact of superstores on commercial districts and regional cooperation plans. The bill also aims to relax business hour restrictions and compulsory closedown dates for discount stores to bolster the distribution industry. Proposed by Rep. Huh Young of the Democratic Party of Korea, the Partial Amendment to the Product Liability Act aims to shift the burden of proof from victims to manufacturers to ensure fair compensation for damages caused by defective products. Additionally, the pending Act on Artificial Intelligence Industry Promotion and Trust Securement, proposed by Rep. Ahn Cheol-soo of the People Power Party, seeks to establish policies to manage risks associated with artificial intelligence and promote its safe and sustainable use. Furthermore, the promulgated Act on the Protection of Virtual Asset Users, under the authority of the Financial Services Commission, aims to protect the rights and interests of virtual asset users and promote transparent and sound trading practices in the virtual asset market. Lastly, the Administrative Announcement includes the corporate credit inquiry business into the concurrent scope of work of specialized credit finance business companies, under the authority of the Financial Services Commission. For any queries about the bills, contact cr@draju.com.

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