Opposition chief isolates over COVID-19, cancels key events

Democratic Party of Korea leader Rep. Lee Jae-myung, who was scheduled to meet with former President Moon Jae-in, tested positive for COVID-19 and went into self-isolation on Wednesday. The Democratic Party announced that Lee had canceled his public schedules to comply with government guidelines, which recommend at-home isolation until a day after symptoms subside. As a result, his highly anticipated meetings with key political leaders, including People Power Party chair Han Dong-hoon, had to be postponed. Han Dong-hoon expressed his well wishes for Lee's swift recovery and hoped that the delay in their meeting would provide an opportunity to address important issues. The parties had planned to meet on Sunday to discuss pending bills and National Assembly affairs, including the Democratic Party-led bill for cash subsidies, which had been a key campaign promise for Lee. The bill was vetoed by President Yoon Suk Yeol last week due to its costs. Despite Lee's COVID-19 diagnosis, he secured a second term as the opposition leader at the Democratic Party national convention over the weekend.

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