Opposition leader tests positive for COVID-19, postpones talks with ruling party chief

The leader of the main opposition Democratic Party, Lee Jae-myung, has tested positive for COVID-19, leading to the postponement of several scheduled events, including talks with ruling party leader Han Dong-hoon. Lee, who was recently re-elected as the party's leader, was supposed to hold his first meeting with Han on Sunday, but his side requested to postpone the meeting due to his COVID-19 symptoms. Han expressed his understanding and mentioned that he will use the extra time to better prepare for the meeting, hoping to address political strife and livelihood-related issues in their discussions. An official confirmed that Lee tested positive for COVID-19 after experiencing cold-like symptoms and will be entering self-quarantine. The two leaders plan to reschedule their meeting once Lee has recovered. Additionally, Lee's plans to visit former President Moon Jae-in and the wife of the late former President Roh Moo-hyun have also been postponed.

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