S. Korea to seek tougher punishment for deepfake sex crimes, 'hotline' with Telegram

Choo Kyung-ho, the floor leader of the ruling People Power Party, spoke at an emergency meeting with the government at the National Assembly in Seoul to address the issue of deepfake sex crimes. Following public outrage over deepfake pornography targeting young women on a messaging app, the government and the ruling party have agreed to enhance measures against these crimes. This includes advocating for a hotline with Telegram and proposing legislative measures to increase the maximum prison term for those creating sexually explicit deepfake materials with the intention of distributing them from five to seven years. Kim Sang-hoon, the ruling party's top policymaker, highlighted the challenges of international cooperation in addressing the issue due to Telegram's servers being located overseas. The government plans to engage in discussions with Telegram and establish a year-round hotline for consultations. In addition, there has been a call to take swift action to prevent such incidents and to lower the age standard for criminal minors, as the current law does not hold children aged 10 to 14 criminally responsible for their actions. President Yoon Suk Yeol also emphasized the need to strengthen efforts to combat AI-generated deepfake content during a recent Cabinet meeting, reflecting the government's commitment to addressing digital sex crimes.

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