On Friday, South Korean stocks opened strongly, following the overnight gains on Wall Street which alleviated concerns about a potential recession. The Korea Composite Stock Price Index surged by 1.44 percent to 2,593.58 in the initial 15 minutes of trading. This positive momentum was driven by the better-than-expected unemployment data in the United States, resulting in a 1.76 percent increase in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and a 2.87 percent jump in the Nasdaq Composite. In Seoul, the majority of shares began trading on a positive note, with key companies such as Samsung Electronics, SK hynix, LG Energy Solution, SK Biopharm, and Naver experiencing notable gains. Additionally, the local currency saw an increase, trading at 1,375.95 won against the U.S. dollar, marking a rise of 1.25 won from the previous session's closing rate.
On Friday, South Korean stocks opened strongly, following the overnight gains on Wall Street which alleviated concerns about a potential recession. The Korea Composite Stock Price Index surged by 1.44 percent to 2,593.58 in the initial 15 minutes of trading. This positive momentum was driven by the better-than-expected unemployment data in the United States, resulting in a 1.76 percent increase in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and a 2.87 percent jump in the Nasdaq Composite. In Seoul, the majority of shares began trading on a positive note, with key companies such as Samsung Electronics, SK hynix, LG Energy Solution, SK Biopharm, and Naver experiencing notable gains. Additionally, the local currency saw an increase, trading at 1,375.95 won against the U.S. dollar, marking a rise of 1.25 won from the previous session's closing rate.