Yoon picks for national security, defense chiefs draw opposition ire

Opposition lawmakers are calling on President Yoon Suk Yeol to withdraw his nominations for the national security advisor and defense minister, which were announced the day before. Members of the main and minor opposition parties in the National Assembly defense committee held a joint press conference to criticize the president, accusing him of harming national interests during a crucial diplomatic period with his choices. In an unexpected move, Yoon appointed Shin Won-sik as national security adviser and Kim Yong-hyun as defense minister, both of whom faced strong opposition from lawmakers. Four-star general-turned-Democratic Party of Korea lawmaker Rep. Kim Byung-joo condemned the nominees, asserting that they are unfit for key positions in the administration. He specifically criticized Shin for causing diplomatic issues with his hawkish remarks toward Russia and North Korea, and for failing to address recent allegations of leaks at the Defense Intelligence Command. The ruling People Power Party defended the nominations, describing them as a reflection of the rapidly changing security environment, particularly in light of North Korea's closer ties with Russia and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Party representative Han Ki-ho suggested that the proposed shake-up appears to emphasize security over diplomacy. However, concerns remain about the lack of diplomatic experience and potential security risks associated with Shin's appointment as national security adviser.

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