LG Electronics has revealed its foray into artificial intelligence with the debut of its AI home hub, which it calls "affectionate intelligence," at the IFA trade show in Berlin. Lyu Jae-cheol, the company's home appliance chief, emphasized the people-centric and empathetic nature of the AI Home, which aims to revolutionize the way home appliances interact and adapt to individual customers' needs. The company is working towards its vision of a "zero-labor home" by introducing its ThinQ On technology, offering AI-driven control of appliances through natural language commands and tailored user experiences. LG's strategic focus on software upgrades, exemplified by the ThinQ On, signifies a shift towards prioritizing software over hardware, in line with the company's commitment to reliability. The acquisition of Athom, a smart home platform, further underlines LG's dedication to enhancing the connectivity and capabilities of its AI home hub. With the global smart home market on a rapid growth trajectory, LG's entry into the AI home space positions the company to tap into the expanding market for AI-driven smart devices and appliances. The introduction of LG's AI home hub at the IFA trade show in Berlin heralds a new era for the company, with a focus on human-centered AI technology and intuitive user experiences. LG is strategically expanding its AI capabilities with the ThinQ On technology and the acquisition of Athom, in response to the surging demand for smart home solutions globally. The shift towards prioritizing software upgrades over new hardware sales reflects the company's long-term vision and commitment to reliability, positioning LG to capitalize on the booming AI home market and cater to the growing adoption of smart devices and appliances worldwide.
LG Electronics has revealed its foray into artificial intelligence with the debut of its AI home hub, which it calls "affectionate intelligence," at the IFA trade show in Berlin. Lyu Jae-cheol, the company's home appliance chief, emphasized the people-centric and empathetic nature of the AI Home, which aims to revolutionize the way home appliances interact and adapt to individual customers' needs. The company is working towards its vision of a "zero-labor home" by introducing its ThinQ On technology, offering AI-driven control of appliances through natural language commands and tailored user experiences. LG's strategic focus on software upgrades, exemplified by the ThinQ On, signifies a shift towards prioritizing software over hardware, in line with the company's commitment to reliability. The acquisition of Athom, a smart home platform, further underlines LG's dedication to enhancing the connectivity and capabilities of its AI home hub. With the global smart home market on a rapid growth trajectory, LG's entry into the AI home space positions the company to tap into the expanding market for AI-driven smart devices and appliances. The introduction of LG's AI home hub at the IFA trade show in Berlin heralds a new era for the company, with a focus on human-centered AI technology and intuitive user experiences. LG is strategically expanding its AI capabilities with the ThinQ On technology and the acquisition of Athom, in response to the surging demand for smart home solutions globally. The shift towards prioritizing software upgrades over new hardware sales reflects the company's long-term vision and commitment to reliability, positioning LG to capitalize on the booming AI home market and cater to the growing adoption of smart devices and appliances worldwide.