Thousands rally in Seoul to call for Yoon resignation

Thousands of South Koreans gathered in Seoul to demand President Yoon Suk Yeol's resignation, citing various issues such as tensions on the Korean Peninsula and economic hardships. The rally, attended by around 5,000 people near Namdaemun, was organized by a coalition of left-wing groups who accused Yoon of failing to protect citizens' lives and showing favoritism to the wealthy. The protesters highlighted incidents like the Itaewon crowd crush and criticized the administration's alleged pro-Japanese leanings and lack of support for ordinary citizens. Furthermore, speakers at the rally criticized Yoon's "value diplomacy" approach, accusing the administration of aligning too closely with the United States and adopting hostile stances towards countries like China and North Korea. The rally, part of a nationwide movement, aimed to draw attention to what protesters see as a disregard for the well-being of the general population and a shift towards policies that benefit the rich while neglecting the needs of ordinary workers. The coalition estimated tens of thousands participated in similar protests across the country over the span of two days.

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